Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Busy Day!!!

BUSY!!! How can you stand a day with full pile of pending cases? I really can't stand it. Almost half dead!!

I got no idea how I really can stand the whole day. I pick up the phone, answer it. Just after hang up the call, another phone call ringing. Then pick up again, answer it. Non-stop pick up the phone, nearly become crazy. Some more I got nearly 10 pending cases on hand. I haven't get to solve it, haven't get to call customer.

Do you have the same experience as me? For the whole technical department, as if I'm the only one who able to answer the call. I find I'm tired to do so. Give me a BREAK!! Tomorrow will have to continue the same thing. What a day I have.....

1 comment:

samantha said...

Mike mike!! Gambatte oh! I believe God will give you the joy & strength you need to go through every day of your life! (:

btw, your new hse is in OUG ah? I was there last year for about a month at my cousin's place.. lol

anyway, all the best in your work yea.. & God bless!!

** I hope you still remember me... haha