Sunday, October 12, 2008

Kim Gary Mid Valley

This is what I order in Mid Valley Kim Gary. Yin Yong beef slice rice. You might wonder how come there is a prawn there. Haha!!

Guess what is this? I have no idea also. Coz 
is Grace order one.

And both of us have cold "yin yong". Hehe..
The only thing I'm not satisfy is the environment of Kim Gary in Mid Valley. It is HOT!! It seems like you are paying for extra service, that is steam bath. Wakaka... And some more it was raining outside. The weather is cool outside, and is steam bath inside. What do you think?? Don't believe it? You may have a try. Let me know if you feel cold inside too. Hehe..


Victor da Lee said...

haha... apa boleh buat... they scare u all feel cold ma...

mikejc329 said...

aiseh... feel cold o...